Welcome to your free preview – in this section we’ve included one of our most popular techniques that can be quickly and easily transferred into your customer service conversations immediately.
The Tape Technique is a clever little “one-percenter” that uses reverse psychology to deliver a negative message to a customer by setting our customers positive tape playing FIRST – click on the link below to watch the video and all will become clear.
Section 1
Your FREE Module sample
Module 1
Sample Module: Managing Difficult Conversations: The Tape Technique
Module 2
Upgrade to the full programme here
So what else will I receive in the full version?
The Tape Technique is just a single sample of the wide range of easy to apply hints, tips and practical ideas we’re offering supported with a whole host of other learning aids – there’s 21 modules in total which means you’ll have LIFETIME ACCESS to all of these super-valuable tools including;
1:1 Video Workshops
This is the principal method of delivering the learning with our Training Director, Marie Cross, as your Trainer. Delivered in a workshop style Marie shares bite-size chunks of learning using practical examples to help your understanding so that you’re able to create your own winning call-recipes for those day to day conversations you’re having with customers.
Your very own 62 page hard copy workbook
Your hard-copy workbook which will be posted to you once you’ve provided your address details during the subscription process. As well as 62 pages of practical help and support as you go through the learning you’ll have plenty of space throughout the workbook to record your notes, ideas and thoughts. This really will become your passport to service success.
Practical Exercises
As well as clear “how-to” information your workbook is packed full of exercises and examples designed specifically to help you create your own winning recipe for success and transfer the learning into your daily conversations.
Downloadable PDF information pages
At key points during the programme you’ll find downloadable information pages – they’re great for getting you heading in the right direction whilst you go through the exercises and adding notes into your workbook.
Audio Clips
Sound files are provided to help you learn wherever you are – on the train, in the car (as long as you’re not driving of course) or at the beach! You simply log in to your account as normal, select your module and press play on the embedded audio player. Great way to keep your mind refreshed with the new ideas and techniques you’ll be trying out for yourself.
We really want you to become better brand ambassadors for your business and truly practice what we’re preaching so, at the end of each module, you’ll be asked a series of questions to test your understanding of the learning and ensure you’ve got it in the bag! A minimum 80% pass mark is required before you progress to the next module.
Exclusive Members Support Group
We know that your learning doesn’t end when you complete the programme so, to ensure you continue to live and breathe fabulous customer service we’ll invite you to join our private Facebook Support Group at the beginning of your customer service journey. Inside the group you’ll be able to ask questions directly to the UCSTP team as you learn and take advantage of other learners experiences and at the same time – whatever your challenge we’ll be right by your side waiting to help.
Do you know somebody who might benefit from this programme?
If you have a colleague, friend or even a family member who could do great things with the gold-nuggets we’re sharing in this programme then do let us know and we’ll make sure they receive their very own invitation to find out more. Simply fill in the feedback box below with their name and email address and we’ll do the rest…thank you!